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Promoter Guidelines - Permitting and Paperwork


The primary contact for the promoter will be the discipline director

Road Director - Kyle Dortch

Mountain Bike Director - Simon Lewis

Cross Director - Jason Moore

Permitting Process

The entire permitting process can now be done online at

The Tools and Resources for Race Directors page from the USAC website has many helpful links.

Beginning the Online Permit

You must be listed as an Event Organizer and/or Race Director for your club. Your club admin can easily add a user to the list of event organizers.

  • From the USAC website, login and select [My Account], then [tools].

  • If you want to copy a previously permitted event, select [Event Permits], and then select the event that you want to copy. Otherwise, if you are starting from scratch, select [Enter New Event].

Deadlines and Fees

Visit the Schedule of Fees page on the USAC website for permit deadlines and late fees.

  • The initial late fees kicks in at eight weeks before your event.

  • In order to make this deadline, it is recommended that the permitting process start no later than ten weeks before your event.

  • Promoters are required to communicate race information to all TBRA clubs no later than 45 days prior to the event.

Race Flyer

As part of the online permitting process, you can upload a copy of your flyer.

  • The tentative race flyer submitted online should be informationally correct as far as race categories, timing between races, and race purse.

  • It does not, however, have to be in final format for distribution - i.e. missing logos, etc are ok.

Race Day Pre-race Paperwork

Promoters should have a supply of USAC forms available on race day:

  • Rider release forms

  • USAC licenses forms (one-day, annual, renewals, add-ons)

  • License forms should be received as part of the USAC race packet. USAC Officials at the race often have additional copies of these forms.

Race Day Post-race Paperwork

The Chief Referee (CR) will coordinate the post race paperwork with the race promoter.

USA Cycling
  • USAC Rider Insurance Fees ($5.00 per unique rider per day)

  • USAC Licenses (one-day, annuals, renewals, add-ons)

  • USAC Licenses (one-day, annuals, renewals, add-ons)

  • The race promoter will assist the CR in populating the post race reports (rider counts, licenses sold...)

TBRA Treasurer
  • TBRA BAR Fees ($2.00 per unique rider per day)

  • Be aware that most races should have a credit in their account for their race date deposit, and this amount should be backed out of the BAR fee amount.

  • The CR will collect the check from the race director and forward the check along with the rider count report to the TBRA Treasurer.

TBRA Webmaster
  • The race director should submit race results in electronic format to the TBRA Points Director and/or Webmaster as soon as possible after the race.


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This website and all materials and content has been prepared by the Tennessee Bicycle Racing Association (TBRA) and has not been reviewed, approved, or endorsed by USA Cycling, Inc.



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